Ready, Set, Serve

Day 15

Ready, Set, Serve

Good morning! We are going into our final week of the positivity fast and I’m so happy to hear the changes many of you have been making. The first 2 weeks of this positivity fast involved introspection, however now we want to apply it all and spread the positivity inter-personally. This weekend I challenge you to participate in at least one random act of kindness and one intentional act of kindness.

An example of a random act of kindness might be paying for the car behind you in the drive thru, leave quarters in the laundromat for the next person, taping a positive note inside a bathroom stall, mailing someone a positive card without your name or return address, doing an unassigned chore, etc. The idea is to pretty much do something kind/positive where you will not get the credit for it. The intentional act of kindness may be offering an umbrella to someone in need, helping the less fortunate, helping someone carry groceries or any positive act of service you complete throughout the weekend.

This weekend you are challenged to take positivity and share it with others. Pay it forward. When you complete a task at any time this weekend simply send a message back saying “Intentional” or “Random”. If you'd like to share a brief story on what you did so that it may provide ideas for others feel free to, so that we can spread more positivity.

Let's live positivity on purpose. Ready, set, serve! 
Have a blessed Friday! -Monica

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