Sweet Lips.

What we continually speak will eventually manifest itself into our lives. This happens because the things we speak whether good or bad, right or wrong, negative or positive we will begin to believe and receive. These words are like seeds that will settle within our hearts and eventually grow into large trees (be it healthy or unhealthy). 

It's extremely important for us to be conscious of the things we give voice to.  Have you ever heard the old adage "If  you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all"? That concept was right on point. Don't allow your words to create a prison for you by saying things like, "I'll never lose weight", "I'll never get a better job", "Nothing good ever happens to me", I'll never get pregnant (married couples)", "I'll never get married", "No one ever supports me", "I always get the short end of the stick", "I'm not smart enough", "I'm not pretty", "Everyone says I'm not good enough", "They said I'd never do anything with my life...", "I'll always be broke", "I'll never get out of debt", "I can't keep friends", "I'm always struggling"... and on and on and on... You get the picture. NEGATIVE WORDS are seeds of weeds. When we speak them they choke the life out of us, and if we continue to speak negative things over our lives, we will begin to own them, even if we don't want to. 

Practice sweet lips, speaking sweet positive things only, things that will edify your spirit. It will be difficult to get yourself out of the habit of complaining and putting yourself down; but it's not impossible. If you want to change the quality of your life you must begin with changing your words. Take the challenge! For the next week speak positive affirmations about yourself, write them down and post them where you can see them daily. When you're tempted to say something negative, replace it with a positive affirmation. Colossians 4:6 says, "Let your speech be seasoned with grace...", do just that. Season your speech with grace.

Here is a quote I read a few days ago:
"Your words have creative power. With your words, you can either bless your future or curse your future. If you want to know what your life is going to be like five years from now, just listen to what you’re saying about yourself today." - Joel Osteen
Think about it. 

Speak life, sweet lips.

Keep Going!

Hey Girl! Yeah you! Heeeey!!! (Waving hello)

I just want to encourage you to never give up! No matter what's going on in life, keep going. Trust me I know, life gets hard! Things come up that have the force to knock you off your feet, and into the dirt. If you ever find yourself in the dirt, pick yourself up and keep going forward; slow progress is better than no progress!

During my morning devotional (Trusting God Day by Day) time today I read something by Joyce Meyer that really encouraged me. She wrote "It's normally during the time that you are pressed to give up that you are closet to your break through and or blessing [not verbatim].

Check out this picture:

Enough seen! Keep going. Be Encouraged! XO


Hello & Happy Tuesday!

About 5 days ago, I challenged myself to write "a blog a day" along with many other bloggers for the month of August... Well... I haven't written one since August 1st! SMH (Shaking my head)

So, I'm getting back on track! Life happens, and although my initial thought after I failed to post on day two was to quit, I won't! (Go me!!)

Today, I was inspired by a fellow Twitter-Sister Shari and her blog post on friends (What's a girl to do when she has beautiful friends? ). Her post was real and relevant; typical "women stuff". After reading it, I began thinking about life and lots of other things... Today's post reflects my thoughts! Enjoy!

As women we have the naughty habit of comparing ourselves to other women; those we know and those we don't. These comparisons can be very stressful especially when we are comparing ourselves to people that we don't know; like sister-friends that we interact with on social networks. I'm not ashamed to admit that I've fallen victim to this bad habit... I'll see someone online and think to myself "Wow, she's really got her stuff together! Great career or budding entrepreneur, great relationship, cute kids..." And those internal thoughts can go on and on and on and on... (You get the picture).

Well, the fact of the matter is no one has it all together! As much as we all try to make it work and look good, everyone of us has issues; some BIG, some small. Whatever the issues, be it: relationship issues, financial issues, career issues, school issues, home issues, family issues, life purpose issues, hair issues, skin issues, feet issues, insecurities, etc... (You get the picture - Smile).

If we allow these negative thoughts and comparisons to take root and began to control us we'll never be content in life. There will always be another woman who looks better, cooks better, has better hair, drives a nicer car, has a bigger house, has cuter kids, has a nicer husband, has more education, has more money, has cuter clothes & shoes, has a better handbag, has softer hair, has longer hair, has better nails, cuter feet, etc... (You get the picture). What we have to do is count the blessings that we do have, instead of counting the ones that we don't. Just the simple fact that most of us can turn on the faucet and have clean drinking water is a blessing (one that we often take for granted).

Allow yourself to be inspired, by other women, but never envious. Envy will lead to comparison, which in turn can lead to depression and motivation for the wrong reasons. God created all of us for a specific purpose. Embrace your life, gifts and talents. Be inspired, don't beat yourself down. If you ever feel that little comparison thief rising up, speak out loud against it! Say something like "It's awesome to see her doing so well, if she can do great things I know I can".

Be Inspired, to inspire another. LoveLIFE! XO 

A man I've never met

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

Today I spoke at the funeral of a man I've never met. He was a husband, father, brother uncle and friend to many. As I sat at the funeral home, unable to relate to the family in regards to losing someone that I knew and would miss, I could relate however to losing a loved one (I lost my grandfather last month).
 I felt a bit out of sorts, because I had no emotion for this man... No sadness, memories or stories... I felt numb almost... I felt like an intruder... But I was asked to read a special poem by a dear friend who is close to my heart, and so I obliged. 

[First and foremost I'd like to say that if you're reading this and you don't have life insurance... PLEASE GET SOME! Even if the policy is 5-10k. Each day that God allows us to grace this earth with our presence is a gift; the next day or the rest of the current day that we're in for that matter aren't promised to us. Don't leave your family and friends to be stressed financially to bury you. We see it all too often, a loved one dies suddenly, and families are forced to come up with thousands of dollars to meet an extensive budget to pay for a funeral.]

Funerals have a weird way of putting things into perspective. For the past week, I've been a bit out of it... There has been a lot going on in my life, and I haven't been managing my time properly which = being stressed out. When we don't manage our time properly, we are ineffective in our day to day dealings. We're unable to meet goals, accomplish simple tasks  and we're not focused or fulfilled. This can lead us to feel unaccomplished, and if we wallow in that feeling long enough it can push us into a rut. 

With that being said, many times we worry about things that really don't matter. We overwhelm ourselves with things that won't matter at the end of our lives. Just think about the things that you stress yourself with for a moment... Now think, if today was your last day on earth would those things matter? No, they wouldn't. Take time today to simplify. Take some time to refocus and reorganize your thoughts before you take on any external projects, write out your new goals, tasks, and breathe! Life is so precious. 

Enjoy the rest of your day! 

God's Goodness

He Uses Our Difficulties

“That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
(2 Corinthians 12:10, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
We all face difficult situations. Somebody isn’t treating you right; your business is not growing as fast as you had hoped, or maybe you’re single and still haven’t met anyone. It’s easy to get frustrated and anxious on the inside. You don’t understand why it’s taking so long or why things haven’t changed.

But here’s a key: just because it’s an uncomfortable place doesn’t mean it’s not where you’re supposed to be. God uses difficulties to do a work in us. We grow in the tough times. That’s when our character is being developed. God will not allow a difficulty unless He has a divine purpose for it. If we’re going to reach our highest potential, we have to make up our mind, “I’m not going to live frustrated because I am uncomfortable. I’m not going to be upset because things are not happening on my timetable. I’m not going to fight against everything that I don’t like.” Instead, believe that God is doing a work in you. Believe that He has the best for you. And see yourself moving forward in the victory He has prepared for you.
Father, today I give You my questions, frustrations, concerns and doubts. Have Your way in me. I trust that You are at work in every difficult situation in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Night of Inspiration!

Hello Journey Mates,

It's summer!! I haven't written in a while, I've been a bit busy! ;) Life happens. But, nonetheless I am grateful for life itself. Trials, test, triumphs and everything in between mold us to be who God intended us to be. I've learned to trust God and go with the flow. He will give us all the wisdom that we'll ever need to be successful in this life. God never promised us that we'd have a walk in the park, but he did promise to never leave us nor forsake (abandon or turn His back) us; and that's good enough for me! 

I posted a video about a week ago and didn't write about it... Sorry... Here is the revised story behind the video (a new post)! Be encouraged & never give up on your dreams!

In 2011, I started an organization with the primary goal of assisting inner city at risk youth with achieving their potential in life. This consists of community empowerment projects, mentoring, youth activities, youth empowerment summits, and academic assistance. These programs have been running successfully and the life's of many youth and their families have been touched!

Earlier this year, I was chosen to attend a fan appreciation dinner by Lala Anthony of (Lala's Full Court Life) and VH1. The dinner was held to appreciate individuals who were doing outstanding things in their community. I was blessed and humbled to spend that evening with an amazing group of talented individuals, great women and men who are doing outstanding things to change the world! People who are living their lives on purpose and inspiring others in the process! It was truly an honor! Lala was so sweet and welcoming; I left that atmosphere charged up, encouraged and ready to do more. You never know who's watching, or what the future holds. Serve from the heart and never give up! XO

Check us out: Project Hope CT

Pics from the evening!

Happy Memorial Day 5-27-2013

Honor, respect & love to all of the men and women who have and continually serve in the armed forces of the United States. A special thanks to you & your families for your courage & sacrifice; you are appreciated. ♥♥♥♥♥
Happy Memorial Day!

Moving forward in love

I am truly heart broken by the events that took place yesterday in Boston. Continue to pray for those who were affected. 

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind.

Delay is not Denial.

If God has made you a promise, believe it, it WILL come to pass! Delay does not mean denial! A prayer not answered yet, is not a denied prayer. God's promises are always fulfilled on time. Continue to have faith and trust in His word.
Be Encouraged :)

Real Love.

Happy Valentine's Day Journey Mates!

I read something beautiful today. I pray that it blesses you.

 To fully experience love, you must receive it, say yes to the amazing gift that God wants to pour out on you. Bask in it, and let it overflow to those around you.

❤ God is Love.

I am because we are

Hello Journey Mates, 
I read a beautiful story today that is so fitting as we embark on Black History month. It is my belief that we should strive to learn and understand every races' history, every month, for we won't know where we are going as a whole (human race) without knowing from whence we come.
Enjoy the story. 

Learn. Grow. Change. Lead by example. - XO

  "I am because we are"
An anthropologist proposed a game to the kids in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the kids that who ever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they all took each others hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked them why they had run together, when one of them could have had all the fruits for himself and they said: ''UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?''
'UBUNTU' in the Xhosa culture means: "I am because we are"

Banana bread

Hello Journey Mates!

It's late in the evening and I had some super ripe bananas that were turning dark... So in an effort to not be wasteful. I whipped up some banana bread mix and made some muffins! Then I thought "I should share this recipe" so here you are!! The recipe is below! It's quick simple and tasty!! 

Enjoy!! XOXO


  • 3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour


No need for a mixer for this recipe. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). With a spoon, mix butter into the mashed bananas in a large mixing bowl. Mix in the sugar, egg, and vanilla. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the mixture and mix in. Add the flour last, mix. Pour mixture into a buttered 4x8 inch loaf pan or a muffin pan. Bake for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour for loaf or 25-35 minutes for muffins. Allow 15/20 minutes to Cool. Remove. Serve.

Size: Makes one loaf or 11 muffins :)
*Walnuts are optional 

Can you say epic?!

What an exciting day today is! Our 44th President of the United States is publicly being sworn in and it's the federal holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!!!

I am grateful for this day! It is momentous, a day that I will indeed relish in and share with my children and grandchildren!
Because of his audacious tenacity we are here overcoming. Aspire to continue his legacy.
 Thank you Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

#Unity #Gratefulness #Hope #Peace #Love #TrustGod #America #Determination #GodsGrace

(Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial In Washington, D.C.)

Sound Mind - Full week 1/7/2013

Hello Journey Mates!

This is the first full week of January 2013! No interruptions, holiday, half days or anything of the sort! Take this time to finish strong with what you've started thus far. Continue to work on your goals, visions and plans.

Today I want to share something that I read during my personal devotional time. It really blessed my heart and soul and I pray that it blesses you too!

"God has given us a sound mind, which means we can think about things properly without being controlled by emotion."

 Today take the opportunity that you've been given to not be emotionally led and live today on purpose. 

Praying for your continued success in life! Besos!! XO

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! I'm super excited about the things that will transpire this year; those known and unknown! ;) As many do during this time, I've taken introspection and made the decision to change a few things in my life, to ensure that I am living every moment this year to the fullest!

If you haven't done this I encourage you to do so. Take time to focus on what you could have done better, or maybe what you could have accomplished if not for procrastination. Then set goals and take the steps, and get "it" done this year! SIMPLE.

I pray that you will have a successful year filled with your dreams and passions manifesting right before your eyes. Be encouraged and stay focused. The BEST IS YET TO COME!!

Helpful tips
1. Think about your life and what about it you would like to be different. Be specific about what you want to change.
2. Write down exactly what you want to achieve. List short term goals and long term goals. (Again be very specific)
3. Record  your goals in positive terms. Instead of  saying " I want to stop sleeping in" try "My goal is to get up at 6am each morning."
4. Set realistic and achievable goals. Setting unrealistic goals will only discourage you and make you feel disappointed in yourself.

Be real with yourself. Consider your life, the time you have available, your financial situation and any other obligations or commitments that you have. Balance is key.  Don't compare yourself to others! Ex. If you have children, your goals and what you can accomplish will be different than that of your friend without children. 

The more realistic your goals are the more control you will have in achieving them!

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