Here's to Change!

Happy Friday Journey Mates! You're awesome!!

Love the life you live, live the life you love.

Change is possible

Good Morning Journey Mates!

Today I am posting part two of a video teaching series by Joyce Meyer, entitled "Discipline and Self Control". Make a plan, set aside time to view the video, take notes, pray and start to make the necessary changes. Change is not easy, by far, however, it's attainable. You have to make a conscious decision to change and stick with it.

small changes = BIG RESULTS

Love the life you live, live the life you love!


P.S. - I'd love to hear what you thought about the video! Don't forget to leave a comment!

Change begins with...

Hello Journey Mates!

Change begins with discipline & self control! Below I have posted a link to part one of a video teaching series by Joyce Meyer, entitled "Discipline and Self Control". It has really blessed me and I know it will bless you also. Set aside time to view the video, take notes, pray and start to make the necessary changes.

small changes = BIG RESULTS

Love the life you live, live the life you love!


P.S. - I'd love to hear what you thought about the video! Leave a comment!

Start Dreaming!

Good Morning Journey Mates,

I wanted to share an encouraging word with you that my life coach posted online today, her name is Lori Stancil! I am beyond blessed to have such an amazing Woman of God in my life. I pray that you're encouraged to dream a lot more after reading the following message.

Subsequent to reading Lori's message this morning, I read a daily devotion by Joel & Victoria Osteen, and the prayer from their devotion was so in line with Lori's word, that I decided to include them both below.

Enjoy & Be Encouraged.

In the Love of Christ,


If you could see what is right in front of you; what is getting ready to explode in your life or the answer to your heart's desire, how would you react? What would your response be right now? The best way to keep your expectation charged is to use your imagination - children do it all the time. How do you think they can entertain themselves for hours with a marker and a cardboard box! Give yourself permission to dream. Don't analyze (you can do that later), just let your imagination flow. Think: What would my life look like if... Start dreaming! - Via Lori Stancil - Life Coach


Father, thank You for the dreams and desires You’ve placed within me. Even when I can’t see it, I trust that You are working behind the scenes. I choose to tune out the negative voices and press into You. Keep me close and guide my every step in Jesus’ name. Amen. — Joel & Victoria Osteen


Hello Journey Mates,

I read an excellent blog post that I’d like to share it with you! Be encouraged as you read the post below knowing that HE is a God of second chances.

Simple Truth for Today: God Allows Do-Overs

By: Rebecca Barlow Jordan

This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24, NKJV).

If God truly allows do-overs, what would you choose to “do over?” What daily actions or positive attitudes would you take to move your life forward?

Ann Landers often quoted the poem “Just for Today,” a piece attributed to Kenneth Holmes. Others such as Narcotic Anonymous have used that same poem as motivation to choose “do-overs”: daily postitve actions for their lives in rehabilitation.

One day as I was journaling, I jotted down my own version of “Just for Today” actions:

This Day…

  • I will not analyze my life or my emotions.
  • I will not condemn myself for inactivity or incompletion.
  • I will not grow weary of doing good.
  • I will give myself to every assignment with smiles and purpose.
  • I will trust God to bring reward of simple tasks.
  • I will not worry if I am doing enough, being enough, or if I have enough.
  • I will love God and others and seek to put them first before my own needs.
  • I will ask God for wisdom for every decision, great or small.
  • I will pay attention to interruptions and the Spirit’s nudging.
  • I will ask for His Spirit’s filling and enjoy it when He does–and by faith walk in it.
  • I will reject every non-productive, damaging, or hurtful thought–preferring that which is honorable, true, good, wholesome, and loving.
  • I will lean hard on the Lord for understanding, trusting Him to direct my paths.
  • I will expect, look for, and anticipate the Lord’s direction, answers, and wisdom.
  • I will celebrate every moment as a precious gift, holding those things which God has given me loosely in my hands–because they all belong to Him.

When I started journaling that day, my body was tired and begging for sleep, but my Spirit craved God’s fellowship. The latter was the greater longing. By the time I had finished writing and reading God’s thoughts to me from His Word, I felt refreshed, renewed, hopeful, expectant, joyful, prepared, and eager to begin the day.

“Plain” suddenly turned to “divine,” and His purpose for me for that day grew clear: to leave heaven’s imprint on that day and to see God’s fingerprints in everything, to know Him and to make Him known, and to add His beauty in big and simple tasks.

Was I successful in my “do-over” plan that day? In my own strength, never. But it gave a clear picture of where I wanted to go. They were simple affirmations and desires of my heart.

We All Struggle

We all experience days and seasons when we fight a battle of the “wills.” I do. Some days we may struggle to get moving and our “gratitude” list shrinks, while our complaint list grows. But when we approach life one day at a time, even listing only one “I will,” God will do His part to meet us where we are. We will not accomplish anything by sheer “will” power, but only through God’s power working through us.

Begin and Depend

Check out the Psalms, and all the “I will’s” that the psalmist David wrote. The first step is to begin–and then depend (on the Lord).

This is the day the Lord has made. I choose (I will) be glad in it! This day…what would you like to do or not do through God’s power working in you?

(c) 2011, Rebecca Barlow Jordan,, 9/26/2011, Used by Permission.

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