Life is Good
I'm excited about this summer season, it's one of my favorite seasons (because I adore the beach), and I love warm weather. I'd say that this #Summer16 has had it's share of challenges, but it's also proven to be a season of fruit bearing; meaning seeds that I've sown in past years have began to come to fruition. One vital thing I've been embracing is to be p-a-t-i-e-n-t. Things don't grow (happen) over night, but they will grow in a healthy way with planning, discipline and proper pruning. I encourage you in this summer season to do the same, be patient and make sure you are disciplining yourself and only take on the things that are in line with your life purpose.
If you fail to plan,
you plan to fail.
In addition to being patient, I'm also learning to appreciate the gift of "No". Purposefully making a conscious effort to not invest my time in things that are consistent with goals and plans during this season of my life. This gift of "No", will be the best thing that you've ever treated yourself to... Trust me! Everything may be a great idea, but if they're not God ideas... Meaning if they have no purpose in your life, you'll be wasting your time and ultimately be consumed with regret and feeling unaccomplished. Do yourself and others a favor, and only engage in projects, events etc. that you know are adding to the purpose of your life. There is a time to assist others in proper balance, however when we are busybodies, we can miss out on God's plan for our lives and cause others to miss their opportunities as well. We all have been blessed with gifts from God to use for ourselves and to help others - stay in your lane!(1 Corinthians 12-27)
This weekend I had the privilege of tuning in to an insightful FREE webinar which was hosted by Chrystal Hurst entitled "Living A Life You Love". This event was AWESOME, no seriously, it was reallllly awesome. I took notes and wanted to share some of the nuggets with you, as the webinar has been taken down and you won't be able to view it (sad face). I pray that you're blessed by these practical points which almost anyone can implement, and that you decide today to design a life you love! XO.
Living a life you love
- Purposefully surround yourself with people that are embracing and encouraging you to be the best you - Those who love and inspire you.
- It's okay to have desires, but don't allow desires to rule you. Be honest about what you want out of life and your means to achieve those desires.
- Give yourself margin to say no - and margin for you time
- Intentionally think about what your end goal is and what you need to do to accomplish it and make adjustments.
- Protect your time & prioritize your commitments
- Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should - (In any area of life, financially, activities etc.)
- Don't base your actions on your feelings - feelings change like the wind. Your actions should be based on your desired outcome,
- Figure out how to merge the life you want with the life you have.
- Don't wait for the next day, month or season to do things you love - do them today!
- SPEAK LIFE: write positive affirmation on sticky notes, write in a journal, mediate on God's word, choose to be optimistic. Don't just think it, speak it! Philippians 4:8
- Choose one thing a day that makes you happy, and do it!
Remember the joy of the Lord is your strength
Make time to be in His presence daily
Psalm 91
FYI - Chrystal is hosting another webinar "Living a Life you Love - Online Class" in a few weeks!