
When you think about the word friendship what comes to mind? Are you flooded with happy thoughts and warm memories of those you love, or are you flooded with thoughts of hurt, betrayal and disappointment?  God’s design for friendship was to bless and nourish our lives. These relationships were meant to be fulfilling, lasting, encouraging and life changing. However, this is rarely the case today; those who have experienced true friendship know this.

Proverbs 27:17 (NIV) states:

17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Friendship should sharpen you; it should make you a better person. The support, love and faithfulness of true friends manifest the best qualities within us. There is something special about being able to spend time or chat with a friend uninhibited. Being able to trust that you’re able to share your thought, dreams, and fears in a safe environment, with someone who loves you and has your best interest at heart. A friend doesn’t always agree with you, but a friend will support you and communicate to you if and when you’re not making the best decisions.  Healthy friendships support growth.

Charles Stanley, a great bible teacher once stated that, “independence is a prized attribute in our culture, but biblically, it isn’t a worthy aspiration. Nowhere in Scripture will you find the erroneous quote, “God helps those who help themselves.” The very fact that the Lord formed the church—a community of believers—should tell us that He did not create people for self-sufficiency or isolation.”

Friendship is God’s design.


1 Corinthians 15:33(NIV) states:  Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”


What type of friends do you have? Do your friends encourage you to do things contrary to the way you desire your life to go. Do your friends encourage or support destructive behaviors? Think about your friendships, and if they are the best relationships for you.

Below are some tips for strengthening and building healthy friendships:
  1. Nurture your friendships: Take time to invest in them, and be available.
  2. Don't allow comparisons or jealousy to sneak in: Rejoice when your friends rejoice, and share in their burdens with them.
  3. Pray for your friends: Guard their conversations and or prayers with honor. Don't be a gossiper.
  4. Encourage your friends: Assist your friends when you’re able to. Let them know you value their friendship.
The key to friendship is vulnerability and communication. You must become vulnerable. You must have trust, and honesty. You must invest in the relationship, and you must have open communication.
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