God's Goodness

He Uses Our Difficulties

“That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
(2 Corinthians 12:10, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
We all face difficult situations. Somebody isn’t treating you right; your business is not growing as fast as you had hoped, or maybe you’re single and still haven’t met anyone. It’s easy to get frustrated and anxious on the inside. You don’t understand why it’s taking so long or why things haven’t changed.

But here’s a key: just because it’s an uncomfortable place doesn’t mean it’s not where you’re supposed to be. God uses difficulties to do a work in us. We grow in the tough times. That’s when our character is being developed. God will not allow a difficulty unless He has a divine purpose for it. If we’re going to reach our highest potential, we have to make up our mind, “I’m not going to live frustrated because I am uncomfortable. I’m not going to be upset because things are not happening on my timetable. I’m not going to fight against everything that I don’t like.” Instead, believe that God is doing a work in you. Believe that He has the best for you. And see yourself moving forward in the victory He has prepared for you.
Father, today I give You my questions, frustrations, concerns and doubts. Have Your way in me. I trust that You are at work in every difficult situation in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Night of Inspiration!

Hello Journey Mates,

It's summer!! I haven't written in a while, I've been a bit busy! ;) Life happens. But, nonetheless I am grateful for life itself. Trials, test, triumphs and everything in between mold us to be who God intended us to be. I've learned to trust God and go with the flow. He will give us all the wisdom that we'll ever need to be successful in this life. God never promised us that we'd have a walk in the park, but he did promise to never leave us nor forsake (abandon or turn His back) us; and that's good enough for me! 

I posted a video about a week ago and didn't write about it... Sorry... Here is the revised story behind the video (a new post)! Be encouraged & never give up on your dreams!

In 2011, I started an organization with the primary goal of assisting inner city at risk youth with achieving their potential in life. This consists of community empowerment projects, mentoring, youth activities, youth empowerment summits, and academic assistance. These programs have been running successfully and the life's of many youth and their families have been touched!

Earlier this year, I was chosen to attend a fan appreciation dinner by Lala Anthony of (Lala's Full Court Life) and VH1. The dinner was held to appreciate individuals who were doing outstanding things in their community. I was blessed and humbled to spend that evening with an amazing group of talented individuals, great women and men who are doing outstanding things to change the world! People who are living their lives on purpose and inspiring others in the process! It was truly an honor! Lala was so sweet and welcoming; I left that atmosphere charged up, encouraged and ready to do more. You never know who's watching, or what the future holds. Serve from the heart and never give up! XO

Check us out: Project Hope CT

Pics from the evening!

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